发布于2025-01-05 09:15 阅读(516) 评论(0) 点赞(29) 收藏(2)
I signed up on exercism.io and wanted to download the first exercise into my GitHub repository folder. After installing the Exercism CLI and entering my token, I used the following command to download the exercise into the repository folder:
exercism download --track=python --exercise=hello-world
However, I encountered the following error:
Error: directory 'C:\Users\MJ\Exercism\python\hello-world' already exists, use --force to overwrite
When I added --force to the command, I got another error:
Error: Get "https://api.exercism.org/v1/solutions/latest?exercise_id=hello-world&track_id=python": EOF
How can I successfully download this exercise into my GitHub repository folder?
You can easily clone a GitHub repository into the folder where Exercism downloads its exercises. Since Git interactions are managed through the .git folder inside the project, you can safely rename the folder to "exercism." From this point onward, Exercism exercises will be downloaded into this directory.
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