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发布于2019-08-17 19:13     阅读(1857)     评论(0)     点赞(2)     收藏(2)


  1. PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation-CVPR2017-论文链接-tensorflow代码-pytorch代码
  2. PointNet++: Deep Hierarchical Feature Learning on Point Sets in a Metric Space-NIPS2017-论文链接-tensorflow代码-pytorch代码
  3. Escape from Cells: Deep Kd-Networks for the Recognition of 3D Point Cloud Models-ICCV2017-论文链接-pytorch代码
  4. KCNet: Mining Point Cloud Local Structures by Kernel Correlation and Graph Pooling-CVPR2018-论文链接-caffe代码-pytorch代码
  5. Pointwise Convolutional Neural Networks-CVPR2018-论文链接-tensorflow代码
  6. SO-Net: Self-Organizing Network for Point Cloud Analysis-CVPR2018-论文链接-pytorch代码
  7. Recurrent Slice Networks for 3D Segmentation of Point Clouds-CVPR2018-论文链接-pytorch代码
  8. SPLATNet: Sparse Lattice Networks for Point Cloud Processing-CVPR2018-l论文链接-caffe代码-pytorch代码
  9. Large-scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation with Superpoint Graphs-CVPR2018-论文链接-pytorch代码
  10. Dynamic Graph CNN for Learning on Point Cloud-arxiv2018-论文链接-代码链接
  11. Local Spectral Graph Convolution for Point Set Feature Learning-ECCV2018-论文链接-tensorflow代码
  12. SpiderCNN: Deep Learning on Point Sets with Parameterized Convolutional Filters-ECCV2018-论文链接-tensorflow代码
  13. Point Convolutional Neural Networks by Extension Operators-SIGGRAPH 2018-论文链接-tensorflow代码
  14. PointCNN: Convolution On X-Transformed Points-NeurIPS 2018-论文链接-tensorflow代码-mxnet代码-pytorch代码
  15. PointSIFT: A SIFT-like Network Module for 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation-arxiv2018-论文链接-tensorflow代码-pytorch代码
  16. PointConv: Deep Convolutional Networks on 3D Point Clouds-arxiv2018-论文链接
  17. Adversarial Autoencoders for Generating 3D Point Clouds-arxiv2018-论文链接
  18. Modeling Local Geometric Structure of 3D Point Clouds using Geo-CNN-论文链接
  19. Supervised Fitting of Geometric Primitives to 3D Point Clouds-CVPR2019-l论文链接-tensorflow代码
  20. Multi-view Point Cloud Registration with Adaptive Convergence Threshold and its Application on 3D Model Retrieval-论文链接
  21. Iterative Transformer Network for 3D Point Cloud-arxiv2018-论文链接
  22. DeepMapping: Unsupervised Map Estimation From Multiple Point Clouds-arxiv2018-论文链接
  23. CAPNet: Continuous Approximation Projection For 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction Using 2D Supervision-论文链接-AAAI2019-代码链接
  24. Increasing the Capability of Neural Networks for Surface Reconstruction from Noisy Point Clouds-arxiv2018-论文链接
  25. Topology-Aware Surface Reconstruction for Point Clouds-arxiv2018-论文链接
  26. Nesti-Net: Normal Estimation for Unstructured 3D Point Clouds using Convolutional Neural Networks-arxiv2018-论文链接
  27. Inferring Point Clouds from Single Monocular Images by Depth Intermediation-arxiv2018-论文链接
  28. Learning Saliency Maps for Adversarial Point-Cloud Generation-arxiv2019-论文链接
  29. A Graph-CNN for 3D Point Cloud Classification- ICASSP 2018-论文链接-tensorflow代码
  30. GSPN: Generative Shape Proposal Network for 3D Instance Segmentation in Point Cloud-arxiv2018-论文链接
  31. PointRCNN: 3D Object Proposal Generation and Detection from Point Cloud-arxiv2018-论文链接
  32. Deep RBFNet: Point Cloud Feature Learning using Radial Basis Functions-arxiv2018-论文链接
  33. IPOD: Intensive Point-based Object Detector for Point Cloud-arxiv2018-论文链接
  34. PointPillars: Fast Encoders for Object Detection from Point Clouds-arxiv2018-论文链接
  35. 3D Point Cloud Learning for Large-scale Environment Analysis and Place Recognition-arxiv2018-论文链接
  36. 3D Point Cloud Denoising via Bipartite Graph Approximation and Reweighted Graph Laplacian-arxiv2018-论文链接
  37. Casualty Detection from 3D Point Cloud Data for Autonomous Ground Mobile Rescue Robots-SSRR)2018-论文链接
  38. Deflecting 3D Adversarial Point Clouds Through Outlier-Guided Removal-arxiv2018-论文链接
  39. Machine learning enables polymer cloud-point engineering via inverse design-arxiv2018-论文链接
  40. 3D Convolution on RGB-D Point Clouds for Accurate Model-free Object Pose Estimation-arxiv2018-论文链接
  41. Feature Preserving and Uniformity-controllable Point Cloud Simplification on Graph-arxiv2018-论文链接
  42. GeoNet: Deep Geodesic Networks for Point Cloud Analysis-CVPR2019-论文链接
  43. POINTCLEANNET: Learning to Denoise and Remove Outliers from Dense Point Clouds-arxiv2018-论文链接-pytorch代码
  44. Generic Primitive Detection in Point Clouds Using Novel Minimal Quadric Fits-T-PAMI2019-论文链接
  45. Fast 3D Line Segment Detection From Unorganized Point Cloud-arxiv2019-论文链接
  46. Extending Adversarial Attacks and Defenses to Deep 3D Point Cloud Classifiers-arxiv2019-论文链接-tensorflow代码
  47. Skeletonisation Algorithms for Unorganised Point Clouds with Theoretical Guarantees-arxiv2019-论文链接
  48. Automatic normal orientation in point clouds of building interiors-arxiv2019-论文链接
  49. Fitting 3D Shapes from Partial and Noisy Point Clouds with Evolutionary Computing-arxiv2019-论文链接
  50. Context Prediction for Unsupervised Deep Learning on Point Clouds-arxiv2019-论文链接
  51. Dense 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction Using a Deep Pyramid Network-WACV 2019-论文链接
  52. Points2Pix: 3D Point-Cloud to Image Translation using conditional Generative Adversarial Networks-arxiv2019-l论文链接
  53. NeuralSampler: Euclidean Point Cloud Auto-Encoder and Sampler-arxiv2019-l论文链接
  54. Embedded Delaunay triangulations for point clouds of surfaces in-arxiv2019-l论文链接
  55. 3D point cloud registration with shape constraint-ICIP 2017-论文链接
  56. Occupancy-map-based rate distortion optimization for video-based point cloud compression-arxiv2019-论文链接
  57. 3D Graph Embedding Learning with a Structure-aware Loss Function for Point Cloud Semantic Instance Segmentation-arxiv2019-论文链接
  58. PIXOR: Real-time 3D Object Detection from Point Clouds- CVPR2018-论文链接-pytorch代码
  59. Multi-view Incremental Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds for Mobile Robots-arxiv2019-论文链接
  60. Point cloud denoising based on tensor Tucker decomposition-CVPR2019-l论文链接
  61. Associatively Segmenting Instances and Semantics in Point Clouds-CVPR2019-论文链接
  62. Zero-shot Learning of 3D Point Cloud Objects-MVA2019-论文链接
  63. Octree guided CNN with Spherical Kernels for 3D Point Clouds-arxiv2019-论文链接
  64. Real-time Multiple People Hand Localization in 4D Point Clouds-arxiv2019-论文链接
  65. Variational Graph Methods for Efficient Point Cloud Sparsification-arxiv2019-代码链接
  66. HoloCast: Graph Signal Processing for Graceful Point Cloud Delivery-arxiv2019-论文链接
  67. Fast Registration for cross-source point clouds by using weak regional affinity and pixel-wise refinement-ICME 2019-论文链接
  68. PointNetLK: Robust & Efficient Point Cloud Registration using PointNet-arxiv2019-论文链接
  69. Neural Style Transfer for Point Clouds-arxiv2019-论文链接
  70. OREOS: Oriented Recognition of 3D Point Clouds in Outdoor Scenarios-arxiv2019-论文链接
  71. Learning Convolutional Transforms for Lossy Point Cloud Geometry Compression-arxiv2019-论文链接
  72. Monocular 3D Object Detection with Pseudo-LiDAR Point Cloud-论文链接-arxiv2019
  73. FVNet: 3D Front-View Proposal Generation for Real-Time Object Detection from Point Clouds-论文链接-arxiv2019
  74. Unpaired Point Cloud Completion on Real Scans using Adversarial Training-论文链接-arxiv2019
  75. USIP: Unsupervised Stable Interest Point Detection from 3D Point Clouds-论文链接-arxiv2019-代码链接
  76. MortonNet: Self-Supervised Learning of Local Features in 3D Point Clouds-论文链接-arxiv2019
  77. Discrete Rotation Equivariance for Point Cloud Recognition-论文链接-ICRA 2019-代码链接
  78. JSIS3D: Joint Semantic-Instance Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds with Multi-Task Pointwise Networks and Multi-Value Conditional Random Fields-论文链接-CVPR 2019(oral)-代码链接
  79. DeepPoint3D: Learning Discriminative Local Descriptors using Deep Metric Learning on 3D Point Clouds-论文链接-arxiv2019
  80. A Dataset for Semantic Segmentation of Point Cloud Sequences-论文链接-arxiv2019
  81. Point Cloud Oversegmentation with Graph-Structured Deep Metric Learning-论文链接-CVPR2019
  82. Generalizing discrete convolutions for unstructured point clouds-论文链接-arxiv2019
  83. 3D Point Cloud Denoising via Deep Neural Network based Local Surface Estimation-论文链接-arxiv2019
  84. Complexer-YOLO: Real-Time 3D Object Detection and Tracking on Semantic Point Clouds-论文链接-arxiv2019
  85. Total Denoising: Unsupervised Learning of 3D Point Cloud Cleaning-论文链接-arxiv2019
  86. 3D Object Recognition with Ensemble Learning — A Study of Point Cloud-Based Deep Learning Models-论文链接-arxiv2019
  87. Deep Hough Voting for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds-论文链接-arxiv2019
  88. 2D3D-MatchNet: Learning to Match Keypoints Across 2D Image and 3D Point Cloud-论文链接-arxiv2019
  89. PCAN: 3D Attention Map Learning Using Contextual Information for Point Cloud Based Retrieval-论文链接-CVPR2019
  90. Graph-based Inpainting for 3D Dynamic Point Clouds-论文链接-arxiv2019
  91. 3D Dynamic Point Cloud Denoising via Spatio-temporal Graph Modeling-论文链接-arxiv2019
  92. RL-GAN-Net: A Reinforcement Learning Agent Controlled GAN Network for Real-Time Point Cloud Shape Completion-论文链接-cvpr2019-代码链接
  93. Unsupervised Feature Learning for Point Cloud by Contrasting and Clustering With Graph Convolutional Neural Network-论文链接-arxiv2019
  94. Loop-Closure Detection Based on 3D Point Cloud Learning for Self-Driving Industry Vehicles-论文链接-arxiv2019
  95. Oriented Point Sampling for Plane Detection in Unorganized Point Clouds-论文链接-ICRA2019
  96. Deep Closest Point: Learning Representations for Point Cloud Registration-论文链接-arxiv2019
  97. Deep AutoEncoder-based Lossy Geometry Compression for Point Clouds-论文链接-arxiv2019
  98. DeepICP: An End-to-End Deep Neural Network for 3D Point Cloud Registration-论文链接-arxiv2019
  99. Deep Unsupervised Learning of 3D Point Clouds via Graph Topology Inference and Filtering-论文链接-arxiv2019
  100. Cooper: Cooperative Perception for Connected Autonomous Vehicles based on 3D Point Clouds-论文链接 -ICDCS 2019
  101. 3D Point Cloud Generative Adversarial Network Based on Tree Structured Graph Convolutions-论文链接-arxiv2019
  102. SAWNet: A Spatially Aware Deep Neural Network for 3D Point Cloud Processing-论文链接-arxiv2019
  103. A Two-stage Classification Method for High-dimensional Data and Point Clouds-论文链接-arxiv2019
  104. GAPNet: Graph Attention based Point Neural Network for Exploiting Local Feature of Point Cloud-论文链接-arxiv2019
  105. RIU-Net: Embarrassingly simple semantic segmentation of 3D LiDAR point cloud-论文链接-arxiv2019
  106. Domain Adaptation for Vehicle Detection from Bird’s Eye View LiDAR Point Cloud Data-论文链接-Under review for IEEE SMC 2019
  107. Robust Point Cloud Based Reconstruction of Large-Scale Outdoor Scenes-论文链接-CVPR2019
  108. Efficient Curvature Estimation for Oriented Point Clouds-论文链接-arxiv2019
  109. Leveraging binding-site structure for drug discovery with point-cloud methods-论文链接-arxiv2019
  110. NPTC-net: Narrow-Band Parallel Transport Convolutional Neural Network on Point Clouds-论文链接-arxiv2019
  111. Partial Computing Offloading Assisted Cloud Point Registration in Multi-robot SLAM-论文链接-arxiv2019
  112. Point Clouds Learning with Attention-based Graph Convolution Networks-论文链接-arxiv2019
  113. Learning Object Bounding Boxes for 3D Instance Segmentation on Point Clouds-论文链接-arxiv2019
  114. Direct structural analysis of domains defined by point clouds-论文链接-arxiv2019
  115. Learning Shape Representation on Sparse Point Clouds for Volumetric Image Segmentation-论文链接-MICCAI 2019

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